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Manage Delivery Orders

View and manage your InhouseDelivery orders in a central location

Emma avatar
Written by Emma
Updated over 11 months ago


Delivery orders facilitated through the InhouseDelivery solution are listed and managed in the Delivery Orders screen.


  1. Admin or Manager with an InhouseDelivery subscription


Click on Main Menu > Delivery Orders


You can select any combination of filters to limit the list of orders to only those you're interested in.

  • Date (filter orders based on their order date. Selecting 'Today' will also return all active orders, including future scheduled orders.)

  • Locations (filter orders by their restaurant pick-up location. Managers must have access to a location in order to view orders for that location.)

  • Active Orders (toggling this 'on' will return only active orders - those which do not have a status of canceled, returned, or delivered)

Orders are sorted by the order time, with the most recent shown at the top.

Data is automatically refreshed every 60 seconds, or you can choose to refresh the screen at any time by clicking the Refresh icon in the top right hand corner.

Download Orders

Click the 'Download' icon to export the orders to CSV file format. Results are based on the filter settings applied.

Manage Delivery Settings

Read our Delivery Settings article to find out about the individual settings available.

View Drivers

For customers with self-delivery enabled, clicking the 'Show drivers' setting will display a map showing all current drivers and their locations.

Click on an individual driver to see the orders assigned to them; and click on the order number to view the individual details of those orders.

Note the map view only contains drivers which are employees of a location; it does not include the location of third party delivery drivers.

Delivery Status

A delivery can have one of the following statuses:

  • Awaiting driver - the delivery has been accepted by a third party delivery service but no driver has been assigned yet

  • Assigned - a driver has been assigned but has not yet acknowledged the delivery
    ​Picking up - a driver has been assigned and is enroute to the restaurant

  • On the way - the order has been picked up and the driver is enroute to the drop-off address

  • Delivered - the order has been delivered to the customer

  • Canceled - the delivery has been canceled

  • Returning - the order was unable to be delivered to the customer and is being returned to the restaurant

  • Returned - the order was unable to be delivered to the customer and has been returned to the restaurant

  • Action needed - the delivery is unable to be assigned to a driver (for example, when there are no drivers available or there is an issue with the delivery details). The reason for the error will be displayed on the order. A manager must take action to resolve the error or cancel the order.

  • Pending dispatch - indicates the Service Provider is experiencing a technical or system issue and cannot process the order, or that the location has selected for orders to be manually routed. Orders in this status need to be manually dispatched by the manager.

  • Scheduled - the order has not yet been assigned to a driver as it is scheduled for delivery at a future time

Driver Pick Up time

If an order has not yet been picked up from the restaurant, this will display the number of minutes before the delivery driver is due to pick up the order e.g. 20 min. Overdue orders are highlighted in red.

For orders already picked up, this will display the actual pick-up time e.g. 8:30 PM.

Drop Off time

If an order has not yet been dropped off to the customer, this will display the number of minutes before the delivery driver is due to drop off the order e.g. 20 min. Overdue orders are highlighted in red.

For orders already dropped off, this will display the actual drop-off time e.g. 8:30 PM.

To view more information about an order, simply click on the order. This will bring up an Order Details screen.

Order Details

The Order Details screen provides more detailed information about an order, including:

  • Customer details (name, address, phone number)

  • Items ordered

  • Amount paid by customer

  • Delivery timeline (order time, pick-up time, delivery time)

  • Note to driver

  • Order status

A map will be displayed under the delivery timeline, showing both the pick-up location and the drop-off location.

When a driver has been assigned to an order, the driver's path will become visible on the map. Managers may use this to track the current location of a driver (for in-progress deliveries), or to view the path taken for completed orders.


If you have issues with a delivery or require help with the InhouseDelivery solution, you can access help by clicking the ? icon in the top right hand corner.

Undeliverable orders

On rare occasions, delivery requests may not be able to be fulfilled - for example if there are no drivers available, or the delivery address is unknown.

When this occurs the status of the order will be set to Action needed, and a manager or administrator will be required to manually cancel the order. This may entail:

  • Notifying the customer that the order cannot be delivered and processing any refunds

  • Notifying the kitchen that the order is no longer required

These actions must be performed manually - for example by going into the POS system. These actions cannot be performed in the Inhouse Delivery system.

When the manager has acknowledged on the InhouseDelivery system that this has been done, the order status will be marked as Canceled.

A push notification will be sent to all managers and administrators of the location when the delivery request is unable to be fulfilled so they are aware the order needs to be manually canceled.

The following articles may also be useful in understanding the Inhouse Delivery solution:

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