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Auto Allocate Breaks

Stay compliant with legislation by auto-allocating breaks

Kevin avatar
Written by Kevin
Updated over a week ago

Once you have enabled the breaks compliance rule for your company, breaks will be auto-allocated based on the scheduled shift duration. 

From the point that a worker clocks-in for their shift using time clock, the attendance solution actively monitors that all allocated breaks are taken within a reasonable timeframe; managers are alerted when breaks are not taken properly.

Note - default break allocations have been configured based on Californian legislation.


  1. Premium Plan subscription or higher

  2. Administrator access

Main Menu > Compliance > Breaks

Configuring break allocations

Break allocations work by assigning breaks based on the shift duration. For example,
a worker is scheduled to start their shift at 9AM and finish their shift at 5PM, including a 30 minute unpaid meal break. This represents 7.5 worked hours which falls into the "From 06:00:01 hrs To 10:00:00 hrs" time period. As such, 2 x 10 minute paid breaks and 1 x 30 minute unpaid break is applied to this shift. 

To provide the level of flexibility required to meet complex labor legislation break allocations are required to be configured for both paid breaks (knowns as rest breaks) and unpaid breaks (known as meal breaks).

Missed Meal Break
This setting is applicable to California customers where an employee receives one hour of extra pay when a meal break is not taken.

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