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Routing orders FAQ

Everything you need to know about how IHD routes orders

Emma avatar
Written by Emma
Updated over a week ago

Inhouse Delivery uses a smart dispatch solution to route deliveries to drivers. Orders can be dispatched to:

  • Restaurant employees ('self delivery')

  • Third party delivery providers

  • Mix of both ('hybrid').

I have self delivery enabled. Which of my employees are considered for deliveries?

To be considered as part of the auto-dispatch process, drivers must meet the following criteria:

  • Clocked into a shift in a driver position at that location

  • Logged into the Inhouse Delivery mobile app

  • Not have more than the maximum number of deliveries assigned to them

If manually assigning, reassigning, or redispatching a delivery, you will also be able to assign deliveries to any employee who has the IHD app configured on their phone.

How does Inhouse Delivery decide which of my drivers to route an order to?

We consider a number of factors when considering the best driver to route the order to:

  • How many deliveries each driver currently has

  • The current location of each driver (if no orders)

  • The expected completion time and location of the current order/s assigned to a driver, using live traffic data

This information is weighted and scored to determine which driver is expected to be able to pick up the order first. A delivery request is then issued to the 'best' driver.


Sue and Tony are clocked in as drivers. Sue has two orders assigned to her, and Tony has one order assigned to him.

IHD calculates that Sue will be finished with both of her orders by 9:10pm, and will only be 5 minutes away from the restaurant when she completes the second order. Tony is expected to deliver his order at 9:20pm, and will be 8 minutes away from the restaurant. IHD therefore routes the delivery offer to Sue first as she is expected to return to the restaurant first.

Can I manually select which driver to assign an order to?

Yes. Refer to Manual assignments for more information.

What if a driver rejects a delivery offer?

Should a driver reject a delivery offer, or fail to accept the request within a given timeframe, the request will then be offered to the 'next best' driver.

I have both self delivery and third party enabled. How does IHD decide who to route an order to?

If both self delivery and third party delivery are enabled, in-house drivers are always prioritized unless the delivery falls outside the maximum delivery radius for self-delivery.

If no in-house drivers are available only then will the order be dispatched to a third party provider.

Example 1:

A delivery offer is received for an address located 2 miles from Helen's Burger Bar. The restaurant has both self delivery and third party delivery enabled.

Tony is currently clocked on as the only driver at the restaurant, and has two orders already assigned to him. The restaurant allows a driver to take up to three concurrent orders, so IHD will route the delivery offer to Tony.

If Tony rejects the offer it will then be offered to a third party provider.

Example 2:

A delivery offer is received for an address located 3 miles from Pizza Party. The restaurant has both self delivery and third party delivery enabled.

Tony and Sam are both clocked on as drivers at the restaurant. Tony and Sam both have two orders assigned to them. The restaurant allows a driver to take a maximum of two concurrent orders, so IHD will route the delivery request to a third party partner instead.

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