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Break Notifications

Get notified when workers have not taken the required number (or duration) of paid and unpaid breaks allocated to them.

Kevin avatar
Written by Kevin
Updated over a week ago

Break Notifications is a feature which sends a push notification to managers, alerting them when workers have not taken the required number (or duration) of paid and/or unpaid breaks allocated to their shift.


  1. Premium Plan subscription or higher, (or in a free 14-day trial).

  2. Administrator-level permission, (to enable and manage the feature).

  3. Set up Break Rules, (Main Menu > Compliance > Breaks).

Note: SocialSchedules does not schedule breaks into the shift. Break notifications manage adherence to allocated breaks.

Go to Main Menu > Attendance > Notifications. Select the toggle button to enable.

Click the 'Edit' icon to set whether workers are also notified.

Notification Types
There are 3 types of break notification as follows: 

Break Due - The worker has not taken a break that we expect they should have taken by now.
Break Change - The worker has clocked in early or late for their shift and this changes the break allocation for that shift.
Break ShortThe worker has taken the correct number of breaks but the full duration (minutes) has not been taken.

Notification Warnings
Break notification warnings are now included alongside other warnings and displayed on timecards.

When viewing the Full Details of a timecard, the warnings are also displayed.

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Break Settings
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