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Manage Time Off Requests - Desktop App

Manage requests submitted by your employees

Kevin avatar
Written by Kevin
Updated over 5 months ago


The time off feature allows employees to submit requests to their employer. After review, the employer can approve or decline, based on business requirements.

Accessing Time Off

Select Time Off in the Main Menu.

As a Department Manager, you will receive a notification when an employee submits a time off request.

Time Off Dashboard
All requests are managed from the dashboard. The initial display lists all entries.

The use of advanced filtering lets you quickly find relevant results. You can apply a single filter, or a combination of filters.

Filtering Options

Select the desired date range. This date filter is for the time off dates requested, not the date the request was submitted by the employee.

Select the departments. They are associated to the relevant location under your company account.

Select the desired status, one or more. Options are Approved, Declined, Pending.

Select the desired position, one or more. Company positions are listed.

Select the desired worker, one or more.

Review Request and Decision (Approve or Decline)

All requests are placed in a Pending status upon initial creation. To review, from the dashboard, click on a request to see additional details. This may include a brief comment from the employee in support of their request.

Where the employee has published or draft shifts for the requested date/s, click on the 'shifts' hyperlink to show details. When approved, future shifts are converted into shift opportunities.

Where the requested date/s have also been requested by other employees, these employees are displayed by clicking on the 'workers' hyperlink. Additionally, the employee will also show here if they have previous requests for those dates.

Once a requested has been Approved, you have the option of changing the status to Declined. Additionally, you can choose to delete the request.

From Within the Request

From the Time Off Dashboard
To change from Approved to Declined, click on the 'status'

To delete the request, click on the 'actions' icon

Create Time Off
On occasion you may need to create a time off request on behalf of an employee. A typical scenario is when an employee approaches the employer at the last minute with an urgent request, which was not foreseen and cannot be prevented.

Time off requests cannot be created for the past. Additionally, time off requests cannot be edited - they must be declined/deleted and a new request created.

From the Time Off Dashboard, click on 'Add Time Off'

Select the Employee and enter relevant dates. By default, 'All Day' request is selected. Alternatively, uncheck this to allow 'Partial Day' request, (specify date & time)

Once the request has been created, you are given the opportunity to review the request prior to Approving.

This extends to identifying other employees who have pending or approved time off for one or more dates requested.

Once the request has been reviewed, select 'approve' to finalise.

The employee will receive a notification the request has been approved.

Export Time Off
​Premium subscribers
will see an additional option to export a list of Time Off requests to a CSV file. The button is next to 'Add Time Off'

Apply the appropriate Time Off filters to define what is to be included in the export. Note: Departments and Positions are not included in the export. Time off requests are at the Company level and are associated to the Worker.

Once filters are set, click on 'Export' A notification will appear, advising you that an email will be sent when the export is available for download. Typically this will be available within a few minutes.

The email content is shown below. Click on the 'DOWNLOAD' link within the 48 hour window to download the CSV file to your local machine.

Here is an indicative CSV output file.

Related Articles

  1. Manage Time Off Requests - Employer Mobile App. Click here

  2. Requesting Time Off - Employee Mobile App. Click here

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