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Editing Past Schedules

Rules relating to editing shifts in past schedules.

Kevin avatar
Written by Kevin
Updated over a week ago


From time to time you may have the need to edit a shift which is in the past. This is supported only when the shift is in the current workweek. To illustrate, here is an example.


A company has a schedule which runs Monday through Sunday. The current published week is Monday, July 10 through Sun, July 16. Today is Wed, July 12.

You can still edit past shifts which have been worked on Mon 10 and Tue 11. However you will not be able to edit past shifts in the previous week, July 3-9, or any other week prior to that.

Warning Messages

The following warning message is presented as a dropdown banner when attempting to edit a past shift from a previous publishing period.

The following warning message is presented when attempting to publish a shift from a previous publishing period.

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