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Schedule Feature Walkthrough (Mobile App)
Schedule Feature Walkthrough (Mobile App)

A walk-through of the Mobile App features for employees

Kevin avatar
Written by Kevin
Updated over a week ago


This article walks you through the schedule-related features of SocialSchedules from the Mobile App. Users without a smartphone can still access SocialSchedules from the Responsive Desktop via a web browser,

Default Schedule View

  • Header section provides details of your next upcoming shift

  • Icon on top left will alert you to any 'Managers Notes' that have been sent when schedules are published

  • Any shift note specific to you for your shift is displayed under the shift details.

  • 'Search for Shift Opportunities' section takes you to the opportunities screen

Bottom Menu Bar

  1. Schedule - default view on open. Lists your upcoming shifts from "today"

  2. Messages - In-app Chat, including Worker to Worker Messaging

  3. Notifications - All event-related notifications in one place

  4. More - quick access to other features including Profile, Availability, Time-off

Tap on the icon in top right corner (3 vertical dots), to reveal additional options including; Request time-off and Change Availability.

Additionally, note the comment alerting you to the ability to view the entire weekly schedule simply by rotating your phone to landscape mode. Refer to the next section.

From the default Schedule list view, simply rotate your phone to landscape-mode to see an entire schedule grouped by position. You can see the shifts worked by your colleagues. You must allow "orientation" on your mobile device, (refer to instructions for your specific device to enable this feature).

From the default schedule view on open, tap on an individual shift to see more detail, including any shift notes that are specific to you for this shift.

Tap on the icon in top right corner (3 vertical dots), to reveal additional options;

  1. See Who Else Is On - colleagues working on the same day as selected

  2. Drop Shift - a request only, and still responsible to work until shift re-assigned

  3. Swap Shift - trade your shift with another shift worked by a colleague

Drop Shift and Swap Shift are features which must be employer-enabled.

Tap on "See Who Else Is On" to display a list of all colleagues working on this specific day. The 2 options are; 'Everyone' and 'My Position'

My Position - only show colleagues working the same position that I am on this day.

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