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Manager logbook (desktop)
Manager logbook (desktop)

Use logbooks to share notes with fellow managers

Emma avatar
Written by Emma
Updated over a week ago


Logbooks can be used by managers to communicate about various activities and events that occur. This may include customer feedback, stock management, maintenance issues or shift handover information.


Logbooks are created at a location level.

  • Administrators have access to all logbooks across all locations

  • Managers have access to all logbooks for any locations where they manage at least one department

Plan Requirements:

Logbooks are available to companies on a Starter or Premium plan.


On the responsive app, logbooks can be accessed via the top menu.

For companies with a single location, click on the Company Name in the top navigation bar, and then click on Logbook.

For companies with multiple locations, click on the Location name in the top navigation bar, and then click on Logbook.


The logbook view is laid out as follows


  • A listing of all boards for that location.

  • Add new boards feature


  • Write new post feature

  • A listing of all posts for the selected board


  • Board settings

By default, a single logbook is set up for each location called General discussion. This can be renamed, or new boards created for more focused discussion e.g. Front of House, Maintenance.

Administrators and schedule managers have access to all boards and posts within a location. All users can also create boards.

Posts displayed are specific to a board. To change the board (and therefore the posts displayed), select the desired board name from the list shown in the top left hand corner.

Add New Board

To add a new board, click on the " + Add New Board" link at bottom left.

Simply enter the name of the board and click the 'Create Board' button.

Note board names must be unique within a location and are limited to 30 characters.

When the board is created, it will appear in the board list in the top lefthand corner. It will also be shown by default in the middle column. A default post will be displayed, which will disappear once a post has been created within the board.


The middle column displays all posts for the selected board. Posts are shown in chronological order, from most recently posted to least recently posted. Use the scroll bar to the right to scroll through the posts.

For long posts, only the first six lines of posts are displayed. Click Read more to view all of the post text.

Write Post

New posts can be written in the text box at the top. Attachments can also be added by clicking the paperclip icon.

When you are ready for the text to be posted, simply click the 'Send' icon. The post will appear directly underneath the 'Write post' component.

Reply to a Post

Underneath the post you will see the option to 'Reply to post'.

You may choose to reply either via text or by adding an attachment. Posts will display underneath the original post from most recently posted to least recently posted.

The number of replies and post views is also displayed.

Board Settings

Board settings are displayed on the righthand side.

The name of the employee who created the board will be displayed, alongside the date the board was created.

Two actions are available by clicking the ellipsis:

  1. Rename board

    Boards can be renamed by all users. The new board name must be unique to the location.

  2. Archive board

    All users can archive a board. When a board is archived, it will disappear from the list of available logbooks and you will be unable to access any posts from the board. To restore the board, please raise a support call with our customer care team.

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