A timecard is a record of the hours worked during a single shift. Timecards contain 'clock events' i.e. when the worker started/finished their shift and any breaks taken during their shift. Timecards can also include other information such as labor costs, answers to custom questions, disclaimer acknowledgements and compliance calculations.
Timecards are automatically created when workers use the SocialSchedules Time Clock, either mobile or kiosk, to clock in and out of their shifts. A timecard can also be manually created by a manager to retrospectively record worked time.
Premium Plan or higher
Administrator permission or Manager with 'manage timecards' sub-permission
(Note Managers must have their 'Manage own timecards' sub-permission enabled to edit their own timecards).
Click on Timecards in the top menu-bar.
All timecards are available in the one place. The filtering system helps you manage your timecards so that you're only seeing the timecards you're interested in. Specifically, you can filter using any combination of the following:
Selected filters are highlighted in blue. Once you have set your filters they will be remembered so that next time you come back to timecards they will still be in effect.
Selecting Date Range
You can select the date range that best suits your preference. For example, select the period of time which represents your pay cycle.
Once you have set your date range you can move forwards/backwards by that period of time by clicking the side arrows found on the date filter.
Additionally, you can select one of the shortcuts such as 'Last 7 days', this is a dynamic filter in that only timecards created in the last 7 days from the current date will be displayed. Β
Use Status to Manage Timecards
Along with the Date Range filter, Status is the primary method of managing timecards. Status is a simple yet powerful tool to help support your internal operational processes from approving timecards to exporting them ready for payroll. The three supported statuses are as follows:
Pending - Timecard is awaiting processing
βApproved - Timecard has been approved
βClosed - Timecard has been processed
Note - SocialSchedules does not enforce a workflow when it comes to changing status so you can change the status of any timecard at any point. Please feel free to use the status feature as it best suits your business.
When exporting timecards there is an option to 'mark exported timecards as closed'. The intent here is that once a timecard is finalised and is exported ready for payroll then it is considered closed. Learn more about Export Timecards
You can change the status of a single timecard directly from the timecard listing page by selecting another status.
To change the status of timecards in bulk, multi-select the relevant timecards and then use the 'Mark As' option to select the desired status.
Custom Columns
Select the columns which you want to see on your timecards dashboard. The default field group include the following:
Worker Name
Actual start/finish
Scheduled start/finish
Actual Paid (duration)