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Edit Timecard

View, edit, delete and revert to actuals for an individual timecard

Kevin avatar
Written by Kevin
Updated over a week ago


This article explains all the actions that can be performed on an individual timecard.


  1. Subscribed to Attendance with Compliance

  2. Admin OR Manager with 'Manage Timecards' access

Timecards > Select an individual timecard from the listing

Edit Timecard

Once a timecard is selected you can directly edit any of the following fields:

  • Position

  • Timecard Status

  • Date

  • Shift start and end time

  • Break type and start/end times

Use the Left Arrow to select the Previous Timecard. Use the Right Arrow to select the Next Timecard. Moving between timecards is based on the results of timecards returned for the specific filter that the user has applied.

Add Details

Dependent on the Attendance Settings of your location, the 'Add another detail' option will allow the following to be added to a timecard:

  • Breaks

  • Allowances

  • Tips and sales

  • Answers to custom questions

  • Manager notes

View Details

Select the 'View Full Details' for a read only view of all timecard details

Note: The cost breakdown section is only visible to managers that have 'Manage Sales and  Labor Costs' sub-permission assigned. Learn more about manage user access and permissions

Delete a timecard

Timecards can be deleted in bulk from the listing page.

Additionally, a selected timecard can be deleted individually 

Revert to Actuals

When a manager has manually adjusted the actual clock events for a timecard, these edits can be undone with the original actuals reinstated. 

  1. Hover over the clock icon for the selected timecard

  2. Click the 'Revert to actual' option

  3. Confirm the change

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