Once enabled, a compliance rule applies to all workers in the company network. There are two ways that a worker can be excluded from the default company compliance rules:
A worker can be made 'exempt' from all compliance rules
A worker can be assigned to a 'custom rule group'
This article explains how to perform both of those actions.
Administrator access
Bulk assignment via the network
Navigate to the company Network
Select the workers you need to take action on
Select the 'Bulk Actions' > 'Assign compliance group' menu option
Select desired compliance rule group from the list
Choose effective date (see section below for details)
Individual assignment via worker profile
Navigate to Worker Profile > 'Compliance' tab
Select desired compliance rule group from the list
Choose effective date (see section below for details)
Manage exempt workers
Workers can be excluded from all compliance rules by assigning them into the 'Exempt' category.
Effective dating of compliance changes
Once you have made a change to a worker's compliance rule group you will be asked to select the effective date for the change (from a list of the last four workweeks). When the new effective date is selected then compliance rules will be recalculated for the selected workers from the effective date onwards. Be aware that compliance warnings and associated costs in both scheduled shifts and timecards can change as a result of all compliance rules being recalculated.
Network visibility of compliance groups
The 'Compliance Group' column allows you to see at a glance from the network page the compliance group assigned to each worker. Additionally, the 'Compliance' filter allows you to filter the network based on worker's assigned compliance group.