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What's changed in manager logbook

Find out what's changed in the new manager logbook feature, launched July 2023

Emma avatar
Written by Emma
Updated over a week ago


We've recently made changes to our manager logbook functionality, making it even easier for managers to communicate.

Manager logbooks are available to companies on a Starter or Premium plan. Companies on a Basic plan can start a free trial or upgrade to a paid plan to access this feature.

How did it previously work?

Previously, a logbook was automatically created for each new department. Managers would receive access to logbooks for the departments they managed, and new boards could not be created, nor boards renamed.

What's changed?

Logbooks are no longer automatically created for new departments. Instead, managers have the power to create and name boards as required. For example you may wish to create boards for Front of House, Back of House, Maintenance, etc - it's completely up to you!

Logbooks continue to be created at a location level. Managers will have access to all logbooks for any locations where they manage at least one department. Administrators will have access to all logbooks across all locations.

As well as creating new boards, managers are also able to rename and archive boards, to keep information fresh. And we've given it a completely new and modern design, including our lovable monsters to provide guidance on getting started.

All of the pre-existing functionality around posting, replying, and notifications remains.

What's happened to my old boards?

All existing boards are still available under the Logbook feature, with exactly the same name and containing all of the old posts and replies. They've just got a new and improved design, which we hope you love as much as us!

Is this available on mobile?

Yes, Manager Logbooks are still available for use on the mobile app as before.

Related articles:
โ€‹Manager Logbook (desktop)

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