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Department Settings

Assign permissions and configure settings for your department

Kevin avatar
Written by Kevin
Updated over 8 months ago


Each department has its own settings, separate to location and company wide settings.

These settings include:

  • Assigning managers

  • Shift swap and drop permissions

  • Sections

  • Offsite addresses


Must be assigned as a manager to the selected department.

Some settings also require the company to have a Premium level plan (Sections, Offsite addresses).


Department settings can be accessed in one of two ways:

  • By clicking the Settings icon on the Scheduler, to the left of the Publish button

  • Via the main menu (Location) > Departments > Department name

General Settings
Name the department, select the location it belongs to and where appropriate, enable offsite addressesย 

Department Managers
Assign managers to your department. Managers need to be trusted employees as they have permissions to perform all actions associated with managing the department such as editing shifts and approving time off requests.

Shift Swap & Drop
Enable the ability for your workers to swap and/or drop, unless they have been added to the 'exclusion' list, in which case they do not have permission to do either. Read the swap or drop article to learn more about these workflows.

Create and manage your department sections where appropriate. Sections are areas within your department, for example 'Patio' or 'Tables 1-7'.

Note: Use of sections require Premium Plan subscription or higher.

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