βEmployees can be removed from a schedule, however remain connected to the Company. Alternatively, an employee can be permanently deleted from the Company.
Remove Employee from the Schedule
This option is appropriate if the employee is going on extended leave or perhaps they are a student who only works for you during their holidays. By staying connected to your network, historical information such as past shifts worked are retained.
From the Schedule View, select the schedule the employee is associated with.
Locate the employee to remove and click to select. A sub-menu will appear.
Select the "Remove Worker" option.
The employee has been removed from the schedule.
Alternatively, click on "Manage Workers" icon, locate employee and click "Remove"
Delete Employee from the Company
This option is appropriate where the employee is unlikely to return to work again for the Company.
Locate the employee, and click on the 'Actions' option, (3 vertical dots icon) located on the right-hand side of the field for the selected employee.
Click on the "Delete Connection" option that is displayed in the sub-menu.
You will be prompted to confirm to complete the deletion.
The employee's connection to the company is now deleted and they will no longer appear on the Network page.